LEMSACHENLOK is an Official Body approved by the Yaongyimchen, Alayong and Sanglu Village Council and Citizen’s General Meeting, 2012. LEMSACHENLOK is an amalgamated word from
LEMSA: Meaning Thinking, Studying, Researching
CHENLA: Means working and doing, CHEN also means Money
TELOK means group or a Society.
When put together the Name is LEMSACHENLOK, which means a Think Tank, Society, working and raising Money for the Welfare of the people
The Society is comprised of members from Village Council, Staff Union, student’s body, women society, and representatives from all the six Clans in Yaongyimchen, Alayong and Sanglu village.
The people of the area especially young people experience economic and financial restrain, with little or no prospect for employment and sustainability. Thus, LEMSACHENLOK was constituted to usher employment and economic sustainability for the younger generation.
Vision of Lemsachenlok
Shaping the future by protecting the environment and bringing about sustainable development
Underlying principles of vision statement
1. To protect and enhance the natural environment and work towards climate change adaptation
2. To regenerate forest and forest cover which can be maximized by creating green zones and wild life corridor in the entire region
3. Set up wildlife sanctuaries and give asylum to endangered wild species
4. To create a culture where the community is empowered to engage in sustainable development practices
5. To augment the wider positive impact of the community’s environmental sustainable actions at local, national and international level through information sharing, collaboration and partnership
6. To build on our organizational capacity to enable positive change through research, knowledge transfer, learning and education
7. To Collaborate and network with like -minded organizations, or agencies
Create Missioecoloy: Dedicated to care for Mother Earth by working with and empowering the communities to shape their own future through sustainable development
Core values
Affect/responsible for/sustainable development and the correlation with environment
Priority areas
1. Village Development
2. Education: focused on Reviving of Alijo-a morung Education
3. Health System and services- Community Health Centre
4. Community Conservation: Community Conservation Area
5. Micro Finance: Community Micro-Finance
History of the Organization
Yaongyimchen Alayong and Sanglu (Alayong and Sanglu are migrated/outshoot villages from Yaongyimchen) under the Society LEMSACHENLOK took up the issue of Bio-Diversity Conservation from 2007. The concern was not a success in the initial stages since the community had no financial support from any sector. The only means of livelihood was agriculture, selling firewood and timber and for some hunting.
In 2008 December, LEMSACHENLOK took up the concern and presented to Citizen’s Annual General Body meeting, and the matter was descriptively deliberated. However, the implementation was a big challenge convincing the economically constrained Citizens. However, despite so much of resistance, the Citizen’s Body resolved to declare some forest areas as Yaongyimchen Bio-Diversity Conservation Area. During 2009 and 2010, the Members continued to sensitize the people on expansion of the Bio-Diversity Conservation area and during its Citizen’s General Body Meeting December 2010 resolved to establish Community Conservation Area. Since then the entire Community worked towards conserving forest including Rivers, preserving all the wild species.
In the year 2011 the Community reiterated the resolution adopted and decided to make the Bio-Diversity Conservation and Preservation concept more relevant to the Community. Thus, a Committee started sensitizing its entire citizens to get conceptualize the Issue of Community Conservation and get the entire community practically involve.
Thus, during its Student’s Golden Jubilee in December 2012, the Yaongyimchen Community Bio-Diversity Conservation was officially launched through Shri. Alemtemshi Jamir (IAS) Former Chief Secretary, Government of Nagaland.
Yaongyimchen Community Bio-Diversity Conservation Area covers the entire forest area: Nyangchi, Owau, Awakung, Akching, Mangkoyo and Rivers: Dula, Duthet, Shiung, Okyong.
Projects under LEMSACHENLOK:
1. For Successful Implementation of the Community Bio-Diversity Conservation, a Committee was set up for Planning, setting up Programs and Projects, Monitoring and assessment of different community development programs. The Committee is LEMSACHENLOK (A Thinking, working, Planning, Fund raising Society). Entire program of the Community will be done under the Supervision of the LEMSACHENLOK.
2. Members of the LEMSACHENLOK and other well-wishers voluntarily contributed funds for community welfare through which all the works have been executed. The community works carrying their own Tiffin during every community work.
3. An innovative Watch Tower has been constructed by the Community, which enables its visitors and wildlife watchers to have a perfect view of the Amur Falcons, which halts in the Conservation Area and also other Wildlife.
4. An Innovative Community Bridge over 60 feet long stream has been constructed which leads to the Community Bio-Diversity Conservation Area and the Amur Falcon Roosting site. Since there is no other path during summer (for nearly 5 and half months), it is difficult to cross the stream. The bridge connects to the main Dikhu River.
5. Community Volunteers: LEMSACHENLOK has also arranged Volunteers for a continuous Routine check covering the entire Conservation Area. Members from the Village Council, students, staff and general public are divided into several groups, each group having 3 members. These groups take turns the entire year to check the Yaongyimchen Bio-Diversity Conservation Area. The Volunteers carry their own food and refreshment for the tour.
6. Community Road to the Conservation Areas: The Community have constructed two Link roads to our Community Bio-Diversity Conservation Areas from the National Highway no. 702: the first road is around 5 kilometres, which leads toward a historical place, Peyong & Malong; two huge stone lying in the middle of a Forest. Traditionally, it is believed to be of a Woman and a Man who went for collecting Bamboo Shoot, but since it was late, they slept under a tree and finally turned into a stone.
The Road connects to a Bamboo Tunnel where the visitors trek through the tunnel for 30-45 minutes and at the end of the tunnel the visitors are relieved to witness the Rich Bio-Diversity Conservation sites and during the season the visitors can have a perfect view of the Amur Falcon which roost in millions.
The second Community Road is around 6 Kms. Stretch from the National Highway 702. The Road is constructed for several purposes: to fetch the tourist to the Community Bio-Diversity Conserved Areas and to enable the visitors to the Amur Falcon roosting sites. The road also leads to Huge and stretched Stone called Mokhoyong Teveli where if someone strikes its small hole, a sudden wind gushes out. Some decades past the wind would invite a big storm. The passage through this road presents a perfect view of the Forest Conservation, one can witness different wild species along the road.
7. Yaongyimchen Community Health Centre: Longleng being located in a remote area and having no proper road connectivity between the villages, more crucially due to economic restrict of the ordinary people, sick people could not be taken to good hospitals. While speaking about Yaongyimchen there wasn’t any health care system since the establishment of the village, the only nearby and the affordable one is the District Hospital at Longleng. However, since the Hospital wasn’t equipped with needed infrastructures and equipments, Sick people were taken to other district hospitals incurring huge expenditures. There are cases of land, fields being mortgaged due to non repayment of loan from different individuals.
Seeing the health risk which took away many lives and caused through non-hygienic living condition, LEMSACHENLOK resolved to establish a Community Health Centre. Two ANM trained Nurses are being appointed paid by the Community and a Pharmacist with small remuneration who attends to Community’s Health Service every Tuesday and Friday.
8. Alijo - Community Morung Education Centre: During the student’s Golden Jubilee the Community also established a Morung Education where children between the age of 7-25 would come to the Morung every Friday. The Morung brings elders of the Village to impart Traditions, cultures, etiquettes, Moral Lessons, Arts, craft making. Meanwhile, college students tutor the students of the village on subjects like Maths, Science and English etc., etc.
One of the important foundations for sensitizing the entire citizen of Yaongyimchen in taking ownership of the Community initiative works is through the ALIJO. Traditionally, women are never permitted into the Alijo, but today even women come inside and interact and also attend to the education. Alijo is a decision making centre for any community work. Here Bio-Diversity matters are discussed. One of the success of the Forest conservation is due to the Morung centre of Education.
9. World Environment Day: During the last 7 years, every year during the first week of June, the Officers of the LEMSACHENLOK have been engaged in preparing dramas, skits, songs, prayers and special speeches which is being distributed all over Nagaland, and the first Sunday of June is always observed as the World environment Sunday. Though this campaign initiatives, poaching has been reduced and in many places it has completely ceased. If only there are good support, we can augment this movement all over the north east India.
During the month of June, we also organize tree Plantation all over Nagaland. Last year the community members were engaged in Planting 5000 varieties of trees within Yaongyimchen jurisdiction. We also requested the Government of Nagaland to distribute tree saplings in all the district Nagaland.
10. International Wildlife Week: October first week being the International Wildlife week, the citizens leaders take the responsibility to sensitize the people of Nagaland in safeguarding the wild species. This is done by preparing special sermons and distributed all over Nagaland to be read in all the churches, and it has been resolved the October first Sunday will be observed as wildlife Sunday in all the churches.
To mark the occasion, on the 7th of October, 2017, the state Chief Secretary, Shri Pankaj Kumar (IAS) was invited to the village and along with the Agriculture production Commissioner Shri Inkonglemba (IAS) and Shri Roy P. Thomas, Shri. (IFS), Joint Director (Wildlife), Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change Government of India, New Delhi and also other Officials from the state, a program was organized at Yaongyimchen.
The vision is to expand the concept to other villages and towns in the state.
I. Handholding and Concern towards Land Use: A Recent Initiatives:
Witnessing that catastrophic environmental impact it was realized that deforestation equally contribute to this affect. Traditionally, every year one forest area is being slashed and burned destroying the entire bio-diversity purely for Jhum purpose adding to the decay of its flora and foana. Therefore, this issue was seriously deliberated during the Citizen’s Annual General Body Meeting of Yaongyimchen Alayong and Sanglu in December, 2017. The concern was a big challenge for the planning body, yet the General Body Meeting resolved that in 2018 the citizens will not go for a new jhum but they will continue the jhum in the existing previous years jhum field. Which means one jhum will be cultivated for three years. Traditionally, each jhum field is cultivated for two years only and left for regeneration for around 10-12 years.
With so much of forest areas being set aside as Bio-Diversity Conserved areas, the jhum cycle has been reduced to 6-7 years. However, with so much of challenges, extended jhum has been resolved from 2018.
1. Shifting the Jhum to another location from its regular Cycle: The forest opposite to the Community Conserved Areas which is also adjacent to the Amur Falcon Roosting site was suppose to be used for this year’s (2016) Jhum. However, with the request from LEMSACHENLOK, the community willingly accepted to shift this year’s Jhum to another location. This is a big success.
2. Land Communitization: One of the achievements LEMSACHENLOK could bring is asking the individuals, families, clans to hand over their land to LEMSACHENLOK. If certain area of forest or a land is found capable of doing some developmental works for the entire community, the land owner will be willing to hand it over to the Community. This was a “Yaongyimchen Land Act” Passed in 22nd June, 2013 “Res. No. YCGM. No, 7. YCLA, 22/06/2013.”
3. The success of the Community Bio-Diversity effort is the restoration of Flora and Fauna, and habitation of many wild species. One of the most important achievements is the roosting of Amur Falcons in millions in the Conserved areas.
II. Escalating Existing Jhum Practice to a Augmented Land Use:
1. Community’s Resolution on Land Use for Community Development: Communitization of Forest and Land: The Yaongyimchen Citizens comprised of three Villages –Yaongyimchen, Alayong and Sanglu, (Alayong and Sanglu are an outshoot villages of Yaongyimchen), have resolved to communitize Forest and Land.
2. Though the Forest and Land belongs to a clan and an individual, if the community wants it, the individual will lease it out to the Community till such time the Project remains. Today, we have one of the very successful Community Bio-Diversity Area with more than 100 Hectares though the community have not receive any recognition and support from the Department/Government. This was purely community’s initiatives.
3. The Community Conservation gives asylum to different wild species and in the last 10 years, we have discovered hundreds of wild species in the Community Bio-Diversity Area.
4. Millions of Amur Falcons roost in the Bio-Diversity Conservation Area every year.
5. Hunting is completely ceased in the entire village jurisdiction and even the rivers and streams are all conserved.
6. Jhum for Three Years: Yaongyimchen Alayong and Sanglu Citizens have resolved to go for three Years of Jhuming from 2018. The Village Council on the 10th of October, 2017 during JÜKDHOK (The community brings in their contribution of Paddy for the Council and the Council Court decide the location for the forthcoming Jhum) resolved not to go for new jhum in 2018:
“Yaongyimchen, Alayong and Sanglu Citizens through its Council Court resolved that in 2018 the community will not go for Slash and Burn New Jhum but continue with the previous year’s Jhum in order to reduce the deforestation.”
7. Forest Restoration and the Benefit: With the shifting of the traditional jhum farming towards terrace farming and other alternative methods, farmers will continue to focus on the new projects and therefore, forest re-generation will take place. The Jhum Cycle will be expanded and this concept will contribute towards the conservation effort and Climate Change Adaptation Vision.
8. Preserving indigenous Floral Species: Beside the condensing of slash and burn method of agriculture which has been practiced for many many years, the 3 years continuous farming in the existing jhum field will definitely augment the forest restoration and regeneration of new Species.
i. Every year, one forest area is completely slashed and burned and during which the indigenous floral species (natural trees, plants and all the local species) are completely made extinct. The effect is not just the standing and sprouted trees and other species, but it even wipes the root. This is one of the reasons how the indigenous floral species has disappeared. Therefore, the whole concept of Extended Jhum will let the Indigenous species to germinate and even safe the existing ones.
ii. Tree Plantation: There are abandoned Jhum where no farming is done for 5-7 years, however, no new trees germinates except shrubs. Therefore, as part of Forest regeneration attempt, different trees conducive to the forest and the climate of the land will be planted in large quantity. Plantation of New Trees:
iii. Alter Tree: This is a fast growing trees which is good for firewood purpose and for nitrogen fixation
iv. Pine Tree: These can be use for furniture making
v. Cherry: This will be used for furniture making, firewood purpose, decorates the forest and most importantly the fruits will be food for the birds and other animals.
vi. Other locally grown and available fruits which will be food for the wildlife will be planted.
The purpose of suggested tree plantation is restoration of the flora and fauna, forest regeneration and the benefits:
i. The proposed trees are fast growing
ii. They are nitrogen fixation trees which enables in germination of other tree species
iii. They also create a very pleasant and striking topographical panorama
iv. They can be used for furniture
v. They can be used for fire wood purposes which would generate income for the community.
vi. The Cherry fruits will provide food for the wild species
1. Alayong and Sanglu are two new villages carved from Yaongyimchen. Thus, Yaongyimchen the Parental Village has to share its land to the two villages. Land is the only source of extracting their daily Bread.
2. Due to the poor economic status, children cannot be sent to good schools and therefore, the present competitive educational structure is a disadvantage for the community. If this trend continues, we will not be able to produce any doctors and engineers or professionals in the next 15 years.
3. The only property owned by individuals and families is Land. Since they need money to support their children for their livelihood sustenance and other basic needs, sometimes they are compelled to sell lands and forests to others. After LEMSACHENLOK gave importance to Community Bio-Diversity Conservation, most of the forest areas which are the main economic source have been given over for Committee development and now they have very limited land for their livelihood sustainability.
4. Community initiatives started in 2008 and the activities have been executed through community’s Contribution. During the last 9-10 years, we have not received any assistance from any source. No individuals, NGOs, Departments, Government or any funders have come forward to facilitate our involvement.
5. The Community contribute maximum days for community work, yet they are never compensated. They work, they carry their food, they give extra time, their personal works, jhum fields aren’t given minimum time because especially during the Amur Falcon season, they work for months. This happens every year.
6. The Community have been working now for 9-10 years and it is a big challenge for LEMSACHENLOK to prove to the community that their strenuous initiative and labour was worth investing. Land and Forest being the main source of Livelihood for the community, there are other people from other communities who are misleading that conserving so much of Forest will invite famine. The financially constrained people might be influenced with such propaganda if their livelihood sector is not looked into, our laborious plan and vision will come to an end (of course whatever I tell them they accept). But I need to prove that we are moving with a clear vision.
1. An innovative Watch Tower will provide perfect view of the Community Bio-Diversity Conservation Area, Amur Falcon Roosting sites during the season and see other Wild species. This can be replaced by a permanent structure so that the community doesn’t have to work every year.
2. An Innovative Community Bridge will also attract a lot of people for different fishing purposes. During dry season the water channel will be properly constructed and fishes from the main River which comes up streams will be blocked by constructing a mini dam. The water storage will be used for other irrigation purpose during dry season. Many fishing lovers can be drawn and there are lots of income generating avenues.
3. Historical and Monumental Resources to Draw eco Tourism:
Peyong & Malong - a stone traditionally believed to be of a Woman and a Man will draw the attention of tourist.
i. Bamboo Tunnel which is being preserved without trimming will attract trekkers.
ii. The Huge and stretched Stone called Mokhoyong Teveli which upon striking gushes out sudden wind through its hole will be another hand clutching and mind shrieking adventuring sights.
iii. Madaksa Yepjen: a Stone cave believed to have sheltered some ancient people can also be developed to invite tourist.
iv. Nalung Belang (Hornbill Peak): A huge Rock in the middle of the lake which looks like a peak of a hornbill will be another sight for tourism.
v. Deshi Lepjen (Looking Back): It was believed, when someone died, his/her spirit would come to a location called Deshi Lepjen and then the spirit turned back to take one final look at the village and remembering the dear ones cries for some time. With no other choice, drinks water and wash his/her face from a bowl carved out of stone and suddenly forgets all the earthly things and leaves for the final the abode. Even today anyone passing through that location will unknowingly look back towards the village on the left side.
4. Witness Wild Species: During the morning hours and early evening hours, one can witness different wildlife especially along the road if not at least the sounds of birds and other wild species can be heard clearly.
5. Every season in October and November, visitors can have a pristine sight of the millions of Amur Falcons in its Roosting Site before they leave for South Africa. With sufficient camera trap installed, some Amur Falcons which is believed to have remained without going back can be spotted.
6. Food: Yaongyimchen produces different varieties of Agricultural and Horticultural products (food stuff), vegetables, cash crops, fruits etc., etc. with the above mention prospective settings, these Agriculture and horticulture products can be marketed and linked within and outside the village.
7. Tourist can also visit the village and attend the Alijo and learn many things about the village, Art, craft making etc.
8. Community Volunteers: Volunteers These Volunteers will be trained for guiding tourist and other visitors. They will also be given training for photography and other skill development.
Training & Awareness programs
The training and awareness program undertaken by the organization include:
1. Management Planning and Resource mapping
2. Leadership development training
3. Workshop on peace building and peace promotion
4. Identifying species and setting camera traps
5. Low cost technologies and cost effective innovative water reservoirs, septic tanks
6. Youth seminars and workshops on leadership promotion as well as youth exchange programs
The focus of the training and awareness program is to enhance the skills and capacity of the organization, to sensitize the stakeholders on the issue and call on their participation and to create a Conserved area in all the villages under Lemsachenlok and thereby extend the same program to nearby villages and other districts.
Training and awareness program are essential to developing effective management framework and improved performance of the organization. It also builds the capacity of the organization and other stakeholders to develop meaningful approach to address the issues effectively and engage wider participation of the community and create opportunities for wider expansion. Community work cannot be done in isolation. It needs participation and wide understanding of the issue addressed. Therefore such training and awareness complements with the activities undertaken by Lemsachelok, which is dedicated to care for the earth by working with and empowering the communities to shape their own future through sustainable development
The initiative by Lemsachenlok faced many challenges initially but the persistence and hard work by the organization and community has indeed made an impact and brought in changes. The impact can be seen in the participation of the community. The organization has received recognition from United Nation Environment Programme on 2nd November 2015 on efforts towards conserving the Amur Falcon (Falco Amurensis). In addition, it is the proud recipient of the India Biodiversity Award for the year 2018